Garry Priambudi
React Native & ReactJS Developer
Hi there, my skills in Mobile Development, Front-End Development, and Back-End Development. But my specialist in React Native & ReactJS. Started my professional career in 2015 and have been working with a lot of happy
Tech Stack
Back-End Developer
Laravel, CodeIgniter, PHP Native, MySQL, PostgreSQL, MongoDB, GraphQL, NodeJS, Prisma ORM, Sequelize ORM, Nexus, ExpressJS, Socket.io, Firebase, Social Media Auth, Payment Integration
Front-End Web Developer
HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript, TypeScript, jQuery, Bootstrap, TailwindCSS, ReactJS, NextJS, Responsive Website, Mobile First, Progressive Web App (PWA), Atomic Design Component, Redux, Redux Persist, GraphQL Website Real-time Push Notification, Camera Real-time, Share-screen App, Google Analytics, Socket.io
Mobile Developer
React Native (Android & iOS), Kotlin Android Native, Swift UI iOS, JavaScript, TypeScript, Redux, Redux Persist, React Navigation, Axios, CodePush, Real-time Push Notification, Firebase, Google Analytics, Apollo GraphQL, Socket.io
Mini Apps
JSON Good is a tool to prettify your JSON data.
React Native CodePush with Custom Download Page
CodePush is an awesome way to instantly update your app on the air. CodePush is made by Microsoft, is open source (repo Github) and supports cross-platform Android and iOS. We can check AppCenter.ms, CodePush is one of the services of AppCenter for Distribution update app.
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Focused as Freelancer and Entrepreneur to help startup build their technology. I’m mostly working remotely with a lot people around the world.
Connect & Discuss
Anytime let’s connect and ask anything. I’m happy to answer and discuss with you. Feel free to discuss or consult something for 30 minutes with me.
Copyright © 2022 Garry Priambudi · Built with NextJS & TailwindCSS